
Cup of Happy

I recently read an interesting phrase in "Cross" by James Patterson. "Here's a cup of sadness, and here's a cup of joy, which do you choose?"

I changed the phrase a little. I choose the Cup of Happy. I am usually a half empty glass kind of person. Although I love to laugh. I plan for the worst, then I am pleasantly surprised if I'm wrong.

I love the idea of Cup of Happy. It gives me the courage to relax even when there are circumstances I can't control. That is a very hard thing for me to do when I have tried to control everything. I used to be such a black and white person no gray area. Now I swim in the gray area. I would love to move from the gray area into a yellow area. Thus my conscientious choice of Cup of Happy!

I know there will be days when I drift toward the sadness cup but now I'm trying to choose the Cup of Happy.

So which do you choose cup of sadness or Cup of Happy?


Erin said...

Well I guess you told me. I will join you with A Cup of Happy! Today Ella was making me laugh so hard. It feels nice to be happy and laugh.

gowen said...

I like it, a cup of happy ,nice to have that as the first thought. Being a realist my self it takes work to think its okay to happy for no real reason.